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Pisces Tiger
Age : 26
Pranešimų skaičius : 4079
Reputacija : 36

.::+Trumpai apie save+::.
Pareigos: Vesti haruhi į doros kelią.
Išskirtinis Bruožas: Voverė.
Super Galia: Vieno akordo virtuozė.

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RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: aoi twitter   aoi twitter - Page 3 EmptyVasaris 1st 2013, 14:23

Aoi: I said I'll refrain from eating strawberries because they are not exactly Ruki's favorite.

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Aoi: I finished it! nano block®
Tomo: Ooh!! You did it for me!? Thank you so much!! …! Wait did you finish it before the tour even started? (laugh)
Aoi: Oh yeah… It was for killing time during the tour… (−_−;)
Tomo: It’s fine as long as you had fun with it ♪

source: trauma-radio

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Pisces Tiger
Age : 26
Pranešimų skaičius : 4079
Reputacija : 36

.::+Trumpai apie save+::.
Pareigos: Vesti haruhi į doros kelią.
Išskirtinis Bruožas: Voverė.
Super Galia: Vieno akordo virtuozė.

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RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: aoi twitter   aoi twitter - Page 3 EmptyVasaris 24th 2013, 14:41

What would you say is sex with love?
Aoi: The first 2〜3 times you have sex
Aoi: I'm familiar with the word "love" and even though it is such a fleeting feeling you hardly ever hear people saying that it's over-glorified. Only thing that comes from love is that you'll end up living in a dream and that's it. If the foundations are ruined nothing will ever grow.

Aoi: I can't make myself to like my juniors who's childishness is only an act. But I do like my friends.
Aoi: There's no one I think of as my junior. I think (laugh) When it comes to saying who's your junior and who's your senior, it'd be better to judge people as individuals and make the decision based on that!
Aoi: My own tweets started to disgust me so I'm going to go have sex and then go to sleep. Goodnight senors and senoritas♡
Aoi: Ehehehe (๑ּగ⌄ּగ๑)
Aoi: /sobbing (“;ω;`)

Aoi: You are asking if there even is anyone who I could have sex with? Or that if I can even get it up? Ha. Are you serious. Let's keep the jokes focused on my face or something.
Aoi: You guys really are amusing. So much more fun than any game app (laugh)

Aoi: I'm going to destroy my public image a bit nowー
Aoi: Aaー I want to have sexー
Aoi: It seems like I've reached the end of how long I can be without getting laid

Aoi: Oh man
Aoi: Ah, so today's the radio show! I want them to do their best (●⁰౪⁰●)b
Aoi: He's already fumbling with his words? I told you that he's hopeless〜
Ruki: (੭ु•̀౪•́ )੭ु
Aoi: You fumble with your words because you keep playing around like that (laugh)

Aoi: Haaair transplant, hair transplant
Aoi: Haaair transplant, hair transplant, a natural hair transplant
Aoi: Iiiit wouuuld be niiiice, if it was all natural it'd be niiiice
Aoi: Yep, I guess the a-part of the melody will be like this
Aoi: New single "I want to plant them"

Aoi: Hello and good evening. This is the Visual Prince speaking உ(ΘωΘ●)
Aoi: I'm making songs. This year's the GazettE is the swaying, swinging, soft type of music so it's a bit difficultー
Aoi: And with that, I'm going back to work. It not like I have time to have a musician's block, I'm busy, so busy.

Aoi: Playing Memeshikute on Taiko: Drum Master is way too hard, isn't it? (laugh)
Aoi: Ah no, I'm just watching it on tv

Aoi: I decided that I'm definitely going to move to a new apartment this year. I didn't even realize that I have lived here for six years and have become the authority figure of the building.
Aoi: I'll try to get an apartment with a rent that's around 500,000 yen (~4000€) next ♡
Aoi: That was a lie (laugh) No one has that kind of money (“Д` )

Mizuki: Hold me ( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡
Aoi: Take a shower and come to me
Mizuki: Y-yes ((((;゚Д゚))) I-I don't mind if you turn the lights off...
Chiba: I'm going to die of heartache w
Mizuki: Chiba-san is my greatest rival (*`へ“*)

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Aoi: in Nagoya. My (MacBook) Air will reach it limit soon. Everything has been going downhill since my (MacBook) Pro died about a year ago.
Aoi: You all use the US keyboard too right? There’s no way anyone could use the japanese keyboard…. there’s no way… it doesn’t have any advantages.
Aoi: When I use our manager’s MacBook and I always try to use the shortcut key’s but they don’t work because I tried to use the ones that work on the English keyboard.

Aoi: I see. So today is the day God was born. In that case, I'm sure Kariya live will be something amazing. I hustle too much.

Aoi: It doesn't matter how many years I've been doing this, adding humming as a guide (for how the singing should go) when doing a demo version of a song is always so gross I feel like I'm going bald. I want a more attractive voice. God, when I wake up tomorrow, could you give me a attractive voice? And with that, goodnight.

Aoi: Thank you so much for the two trucks full of chocolate.

Aoi: Arrived to the hotel. The "To the customer staying in this room" card thing was upside down and I can't help but wonder what it means. I can't sleep until I've solved this mystery.
Aoi: Also there are two beds. Even though it's just me. Am I supposed to put them next to each other and enjoy a king-sized bed or am I going to have something delivered to me later? Ah, this is driving me insane ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)
Aoi: Apparently me and the devil king think alike. Turns out I'm going to get something delivered... Ah, I'm talking about getting a massage ( ੱ ಒౢੱ)
Aoi: deli-hell: we'll bring hell if you call us

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Aoi: One good deed a day.
Reika: Thanks for buying me this !!!!!! (๑“∀`๑)
Aoi: It’s not a problem ! d(“Д` )b
Aoi: It made me feel good …・゚・(ノД`)・゚・

Aoi: (“-`).。oO( I might have caught the flu〜。
Aoi: Zena Ginger-san and Poburon-senpai (flu medicines) are supposed to do something about this flu.

Aoi: Oh? Could it be that..?
Aoi: Aoi-san is an accomplished adult and has gotten himself a gold drivers license.
Aoi: Thanks (^^) You guys make sure you drive safely too (^_−)−☆ People with cars and motorcycles know that already but pedestrians and cyclists need to pay attention to their surroundings too.
(japanese drivers licenses have three colors. green is beginners, blue is regular and gold is safe driver which means they haven't been in accidents or violated the law in any way)

Aoi: Also, where's my cake? Cake.

source: trauma-radio
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Pisces Tiger
Age : 26
Pranešimų skaičius : 4079
Reputacija : 36

.::+Trumpai apie save+::.
Pareigos: Vesti haruhi į doros kelią.
Išskirtinis Bruožas: Voverė.
Super Galia: Vieno akordo virtuozė.

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RašytiTemos pavadinimas: Re: aoi twitter   aoi twitter - Page 3 EmptyBalandis 8th 2013, 07:22

aoi twitter - Page 3 Tumblr_misd4qxfyv1rp43c0o1_500
Aoi: Alright, take a good look at this!

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Aoi: Poof ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)
Aoi: I deleted it

Aoi: When I went to buy coffee beans from the supermarket they were selling yakisoba for 79 yen (60 cents) so I bought some. And I got the last one. I managed protected my public image today too.

Aoi: My car is dirty.
Aoi: It's like even the sky cried.

Aoi: I don't have the energy for the next part which is the arrangement (of this song)
Aoi: But like, the guitars are so good~ Drums are also good. Or more like, everyone is so good. We are such a good band.
Aoi: If I rest for a bit → I'll fall asleep → If I fall asleep now I won't wake up → I won't be in time today → they'll kick me out. That's how it usually goes. I have to work hard.

Before a Big Meeting
Ruki: I barely managed to get just one song done in time.
Aoi: Okay so I've taken my place (in the meeting room). Apparently it doesn't matter how many years I've been doing this, these meetings always make me more nervous than anything.
(to those who don't know: gazette has a policy where all the members make songs and they pick the ones they like best and then start working on them as a group)

Aoi: I am hungry.
Aoi: Sushi would be niceー I feel like I'll start hating the whole world if I don't pamper myself a bit right now.
Aoi: Please give me egg sushi.

Aoi: When the five of us get together there are things we all agree with and the decisions are made easily and then there are things we just can't decide on. It's funny how I feel like that hasn't changed at all and we keep doing it over and over again even though it's been more than 10 years. But I never imagined that (a meeting) could go on this long. It had a happy ending though.

Aoi: I have an iron perm (google アイパー to see how it looks like) now
Aoi: What? You don't know what an iron perm is? Iron perm is necessary for the manliest man of all men and you still don't know what it is? Having a long hair or a dyed hair is nothing compared to that.

Aoi: But if you ask me what kind of a guy I am, I'd say I'm a Johnny's Entertainment kind of guy. Face-wise. So maybe an iron perm wouldn't suit me. That's a bit embarrassing.
Aoi: What? Am I wrong? You think I'm not a Johnny's Entertainment kind of guy? I'm a bit shocked. It wouldn't be that terrible if Arashi had six members insteadーHello, I'm Aoi (^_−)−☆(青井: 青=ao 井=i, like sakurai (櫻井) from arashi)
Aoi: I could form and unit with Sakurai-kun and call it "I (pronounced as 'ai' also means 'love')". And of course it's logo would be "井" (=i).
Aoi: Oh yeah. It'd be cooler if we used ♯ as our logo.
Aoi: Let me dream a little!
Aoi: Well then, I'm going back to work.

【NEW LIVE INFORMATION】An Overseas Tour after about 6 years (7 countries, 9 cities) has been confirmed! the GazettE WORLD TOUR13
Aoi: You are welcome
Aoi: So yeah, we won't be able to go on a summer tour in Japan but, though the tour is short, we are still going to make people in different places see our lives. To all overseas fans: I'm sorry we made you wait so long. I'm looking forward meeting you.

Aoi: Now, now, let's calm down. They way you are talking to me is a bit rude.
Aoi: I'm really sorry. We'd like to come to everyone's country but for now this is all we can do. We don't have enough time. It would be nice if ships and airplanes were faster.

source: trauma-radio
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